Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bangkok 2008 Day 78: Karaoke Session with Thai Colleagues

Just a few days ago, I followed the Thai colleagues to a karaoke session nearby the client site at Prachuabkhirikhan. The party is supposed to be a farewell party for some colleagues leaving Satyam. It also became a surprise birthday celebration for the host. =)

Left the office at 6pm. After half hour drive. We were at the Lake hill restaurant.

The lake hill restaurant is actually a restaurant/karaoke place situated on top of a lake. The entire lake has been covered over with wooden walkways and floating huts. These huts houses the private rooms for karaoke sessions.

The kitchen area.

The entrance into the lake.

There's a stage in this section. For supposedly live band and open space performance. =P

This is one of the many floating huts I was talking about.

Our hut.

The interior.

The thai colleagues order lots of food! Most dishes re-appeared for a second time to accomodate a total of more than 10 pax. Too bad I couldn't eat a lot of the dishes because there were shrimp, crab meat in them.

Night view.

The containers helping to keep the hut afloat and in placed.

Overall, fun time. And happy Birthday Tay!

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